
Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Veep, Seinfeld) desnuda en Rolling Stone

¿Qué pensará Jerry Seinfeld de esta portada? JUAS! Julia Louis-Dreyfus aparece desnuda en la portada de Rolling Stone. La que fuera chica Seinfeld triunfa ahora con Veep, serie que no sigo porque bastante dosis de patosidad tengo con la Leslie de Parks and Recreation. En la foto de Rolling, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, que tiene -atención- 53 años, luce la espalda 'tatuada' con las palabras de Thomas Jefferson. (Va firmada por John Hancock haciendo una broma con el carácter tontuno del personaje de Veep).

+Portfolio televisivo en Rolling Stone

Esto se cuenta:

She is genuinely thrilled about cursing as much as she does on the show.
"Once, when we were trying to come up with the particular perfect, horrible, swear-y thing to say in Veep, I said, 'You do realize that if we were 12, we would get in big trouble for this conversation,'" she said. "That was not part of the curriculum in high school, and the fact that it is now a part of the curriculum of my life is a pleasure, which is the understatement of the universe." Incidentally, a Senate aide told Rolling Stone that Veep is "way more realistic than House of Cards. . . It works because it's revealing truths."

She got the part because the show's creators loved her sense of humor.
"Julia's not just a natural comedic performer – she's a natural comedic brain," Veep creator Armando Iannucci said. "Once we have a script, she likes to go away and have a real think on what her character would do to react to the reality of every situation, if it would be funny to have her twitch, or to be thirsty, or if her mind was on something else."

Contrary to what the Internet may say, she is not a billionaire.
When Rolling Stone asked about her father's firm, the Louis Dreyfus corporation, which had holdings in energy, soybean-crushing plants and real estate – and recently donated $1 million to help eradicate voter suppression – she clarified that it's her father's business that's valued in billions. "I've been attached to that," she said. "It's unbelievable, because whatever I do, people just assume it's true. Welcome to the fuckin' Internet."

+Alerta copia: el póster de Veep y el de Arrested Development.

Otras portadas en Rolling Stone de Julia Louis-Dreyfus con Seinfeld.


6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

"...le pinta en la espalda el comienzo de la Constitución, We the People y todo eso. Con la firma de John Hancock al final de la espalda.
Terrible error. Hancock no firmó la Constitución, sino la Declaración de Independencia en 1776."
Publicado en eldiario.es

Mariló García dijo...

Me da que es un guiño a lo tonto que es su personaje en Veep.


Anónimo dijo...

Ah!! que bueno!! pues los del diario.es no lo pillaron…ni yo!

Unknown dijo...

Pasan los años y Julia. Louis Dreyfus se ve tan bella y encantantadora.

Series Anatomy dijo...

Es magnífica! Gran tercera temporada que se ha pegado en Veep;) Ahí va mi homenaje a la serie ;)


Un saludo!